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Example Of A Good Topic Sentence For A Body Paragraph In An Animal Research Paper
Sunday, August 23, 2020
Friday, August 21, 2020
SWOT analysis of McDonalds Essays - Fast Food, Business Intelligence
SWOT examination is a key arranging technique used to assess the Strengths, Weaknesses/Limitations, Opportunities, and Threats engaged with an undertaking or in an undertaking. It includes determining the target of the undertaking or venture and distinguishing the inside and outside elements that are positive and horrible to accomplish that objective. Qualities McDonalds has a solid worldwide nearness and they are the market head in both the residential and universal markets. Accordingly, Hong Kong can have this equivalent quality. McDonalds has solid capital, it is on the grounds that McDonalds center around cheap food industry, yet additionally they however quick food?s accomplishment to make distinctive money related administration to gain more benefits, and for instance they have a solid land portfolio. This solid brand acknowledgment makes noteworthy open doors for the organization. McDonalds can create more deals due to its image acknowledgment. Through forceful market arranging, McDonalds has had the option to catch greater speculation effective. Shortcoming Absence of item advancement is the shortcoming of McDonalds. Since McDonalds consistently dispatch their new advancement item for constrained time. New item development is getting less and exhausting. For instance, shake fries, Mc Pepper and so forth. These items consistently rehash to dispatch. In addition, the mostly shortcoming is high turnover. Since the greater part of youthful understudy have in the blink of an eye work for their mid year occasion, after summer occasion, they generally leave. Most administrator work same to have high turnover issue, it is on the grounds that most director simply need some about chief experience. After they landed the position title and experience, they?ll change of the activity. Since McDonalds have lower wage level in the inexpensive food industry, so that McDonald hard to utilize individuals. Furthermore, cheap food industry is consistently has absence of worker issue, not only for McDonalds. Openings Changing patterns in dietary patterns toward more advantageous eating, seen as a danger to McDonalds can likewise be viewed as a chance. Hong Kong McDonalds can tailing US McDonalds to presented new premium serving of mixed greens sand Fruit n? Yogurt Parfaits similar items will most likely acquire some more development remote markets. Dangers Outside money vacillation is additionally another issue worldwide organizations like McDonalds. The Fast food industry is turning into an inexorably serious part. McDonald?s stays aware of contenders through costly special battles which prompts constrained edges to pick up piece of the pie. McDonald?s is endeavoring to separate itself, with new organizations and new menu things, yet other inexpensive food industry are doing likewise as well. McDonald?s, much the same as other cheap food industry, regularly gets awful press in light of its connection weight. Expanded concern, for example, this has driven the Food Standards Agency and the Department of Health in the UK to audit the publicizing of ?garbage? nourishments, for example, McDonalds to kids. These issue is straightforwardly affecting their business.
Sunday, July 12, 2020
The Different Types of Essay Samples to Pursue College Degree Through
The Different Types of Essay Samples to Pursue College Degree ThroughAfter much deliberation, the topic of pursuing a college degree as an adult is certainly one that should be considered, but it is also true that not everyone can be considered to have the same set of requirements when it comes to essay samples. That's why there are so many individuals in the world today that are still able to pursue their education through a variety of different avenues.For this reason, not every single adult student has the same type of writing they require in order to be successful. What some individuals may need to do in order to be successful is looking at a number of different essay samples.As is the case with all other components of the university education, these essay samples can vary from a vast array of different topics. For the most part, they can focus on virtually any number of different subject matters.The typical question that students might have in mind when they are thinking about h ow to write an essay for their college degree is 'What type of essay should I write?' While this is definitely the most common query, it is by no means the only type of question that an adult student might have.One important thing to keep in mind when it comes to writing an essay is that the best essay is one that is based on the knowledge that you already possess and is crafted in a way that is able to focus on various types of information. This can be done, in part, through the utilization of essay samples.At the same time, it is important to know that the essay samples that you obtain are not only a representation of the skills that you need to develop, but are in fact, representing the skills that are already present within you. When you work hard to complete your own study materials, you are able to tap into the same type of skills that are already present within you.The most important aspect of finding the appropriate type of sample for your needs is that you focus on the cont ent. In order to be successful in everything that you do, you need to be aware of the types of skills that you have and how those skills are derived from your current self.Finally, it is crucial to note that your essay should be of sufficient quality in order to be considered a success when it comes to the final result of your student's work. It is not possible to accomplish a good degree when it is only passing the minimum standards of a particular class.
Wednesday, May 20, 2020
Quel as a French Interrogative Adjective Which
Sometimes French grammar is much stricter than English grammar. If you are presented with a choice of two books, a simple question like What book do you want? is technically incorrect because in proper English, the question would be, Which book do you want? In reality, the former is much more common than the latter. In French, however, one does not have this option. The French equivalent of which, quel, must be used whenever you are choosing between two or more nouns. Like all French adjectives, quel has to agree in gender and number with the noun it modifies. Scroll down to the bottom to see our table with all the forms of quel. The Essential Quel as Interrogative Adjective The uses of the interrogative quel are fairly straightforward. Essentially, you need this interrogative adjective whenever you want to ask for specific information about a noun. For example: Pierre ma prà ªtà © un livre. Quel livre ?  Pierre loaned me a book. Which book?Quelle heure est-il ?  What time is it?De quel cà ´tà © es-tu ? Which / Whose side are you on?Quels sont ses projets ? What are his plans? Est-Ce Que or Inversion You can ask a question with quel using est-ce que or subject-verb inversion. For example: Quel livre veux-tu ? / Quel livre est-ce que tu veux ?  What book do you want?Quelles pommes aime-t-il ? / Quelles pommes est-ce quil aime ?  Which apples does he like? Quel plus a Noun Quel plus a noun may be preceded by a preposition. For example: À quelle heure veux-tu partir ? / À quelle heure est-ce que tu veux partir ?  What time do you want to leave?De quels livres parle-t-il ? / De quels livres est-ce quil parle ?  What books is he talking about? Quel plus à ªtre Use quel plus the conjugated à ªtre to ask, What is ...? or What are ...? For example: Quel est le problà ¨me ?  Whats the problem?Quelles sont les diffà ©rences ?  What are the differences? French Interrogative Adjectives Singular Plural Masculine quel quels Feminine quelle quelles Other Uses of Quel Interrogative Pronoun: De tous vos matches, quel fut le plus difficile ?  Of all the matches youve played, which (one) was the most difficult / which was the most difficult one ? Exclamative adjective: Quel idiot ! What a fool !Quel sale temps ! What terrible weather ! Also: Quel plus a noun can be replaced by the interrogative pronoun lequel (which, which one). Quel is used in nimporte quel (whichever, whatever, any) and other expressions with nimporte.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Global Warming and Its Effects on the Coastal Areas of...
Global Warming And Its Effects On The Coastal Areas of Bangladesh [pic] [pic][pic] GLOBAL WARMING: Global Warming is the rise in the average temperature of the Earth’s atmosphere, including the surface air and oceans. In simple words global warming is when the Earth heats up. It is caused mainly due to increasing concentration of greenhouse gases in the Earth’s atmosphere. The greenhouse gases, include carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide, methane, water vapor, traps heat and light in the Earth’s atmosphere, which increases the temperature. Today global warming is considered as one of the major environmental issues, which threatens to disrupt the basic balance of the environment and cause large scale destruction. The Greenhouse†¦show more content†¦Also, many people have more than one car. Effects of Global warming on Humans: The World Health Organization estimates that 150.000 people are killed by climate-change-related issues every year. Authorities in China say warmer temperatures are responsible for an uptick in heat-wave associated deaths, such as strokes and heart disease. They calculated between 173 and 685 Chinese citizens per million die every year from ailments related to global warming. Canadian doctors say smog-related deaths could rise by 80 percent over the next 20 years. And since warm air is a key ingredient in smog, warmer temperatures will increase smog levels. Doctors warn global warming will bring more cardiovascular problems, like heart attacks. â€Å"‘The hardening of the heart s arteries is like rust developing on a car,’ said Dr. Gordon Tomaselli, chief of cardiology at Johns Hopkins University. ‘Rust develops much more quickly at warm temperatures and so does atherosclerosis.’†Most infectious diseases are transmitted by insects and rodents. Transmitters of disease are called vectors. For example, mosquitoes transmit malaria, dengue and viral encephalitis (inflammation of the brain). Like other animals and plants, vectors are accustomed to certain climate conditions. If the climate becomes warmer, the mosquito will try to fly to new places where it can survive and expose more people to the disease. Changes in sea surface temperature and sea level can lead to higher incidence ofShow MoreRelatedClimate Change And Global Warming Essay1385 Words  | 6 Pagesin a particular area over a period of time. When changes in weather patterns start to occur, this is called climate change. Peter Singer describes carbon emissions would extinguish human life. Climate change is a disastrous event because there is a wide range of environmental impacts affecting life expectancy. In different geographical areas, climates will change if temperatures influence them to fluctua te. The major cause of climate change is human expansion of the greenhouse effect. Kolbert presentsRead MoreGlobal Warming And The Rising Sea Levels1353 Words  | 6 PagesOne of the first indicators of global warming when it was first discovered and discussed was the acknowledgment of rising sea levels. In many climate change and apocalypse movies the rising of the ocean is the downfall of the population of the planet. The topic about the rising sea levels was not always indisputable. When the topic of climate change was first brought up it was mostly known as global warming and connected to the greenhouse effect. The notion of oceans raising above sea level wasRead MoreThe Effects Of Climate Change On The Earth1256 Words  | 6 PagesClimate change is the process of change in average long term weather patterns. These long term changes can be limited to small local areas such as cities or countries, large broad areas or cover the overall climate of Earth. Climate change occu rs naturally due to the orbit of the Earth, ocean changes, changes in solar radiation levels and volcanic disasters. Although these natural influences do play a part in climate change most scientists believe that the rate of climate change that the Earth hasRead MoreGlobal Warming Is Too Serious For The World1954 Words  | 8 Pagesâ€Å"Global warming is too serious for the world any longer to ignore its danger or split into opposing factions on it.†This quote by Tony Blair explains how global warming is too grave for it not to be taken solemnly or to fight over whether it exists or not. Today humans are seeing a rise in the temperatures, last year 2015 was the hottest year ever recorded(miller). As a result, thermal expansion happens which causes the water to expand and the loss of land-based ice to melt due to increased temperaturesRead MoreGlobal Warming And Sea Levels1992 Words  | 8 Pagesthe many effects of global warming. Unfortunately, global warming has been an ongoing issue for decades. Between 1956 - 2005, the average Earth’s temperature rose .13 degrees Celsius per decade (Amadeo, par. 1). Not only did the average temperature of the climate increase, but the average temperature of the ocean increased as well. Ever since 1978, the ice caps have been melting at a rate of 2.7% per decade (Amadeo, par. 2). Climate change has been a constant reminder of our planetary warming. EvenRead MoreGlobal Warming and Its Effects1352 Words  | 6 PagesGLOBAL WARMING AND ITS EFFECTS Global Warming effects on the natural balance of environment. The world climate is going a significant change day by day. There are many causes of Global Warming. The destruction and burning down of tropical forests , traffic clogging up the city streets , rapid growth of unplanned industries, the use of CFCs in packaging and manufacturing products, the use of detergents etc. cause Global Warming. Besides, overpopulation, deforestation are the causative factorsRead MoreEssay on Global Warming1148 Words  | 5 PagesGlobal Warming The 19th as well as the 20th century have been the most prolific time periods in modern history as concerns science, technology and socio-economic development. Within these two centuries we witnessed the discovery of electricity, the invention of the engine which played a very important role in the maturity of the well-known industrial revolution. Through this revolution people began to live in a more decent and comfortable manner; new commodities were produced and entire newRead MoreGlobal Perspectives. Julia Li. March 22, 2017. . How Do1979 Words  | 8 PagesGlobal Perspectives Julia Li March 22, 2017 How do the attitudes and actions of different groups vary towards Global Warming around the world? Over the years, global warming has gradually become a more renowned and controversial topic, some say Global warming has been incited by human activity, so humans should take action to slow down global warming, others say global warming happens naturally so there’s no use of stopping it, while some others don’t even know that Global Warming is happeningRead MoreThe Global Warming And Climate Change924 Words  | 4 Pagesâ€Å"The Global Warming and Climate Change†The Global Warming and Climate Change has been a subject of debate for over many years nows. A lot of people are undereducated or misinformed by what is going on. This position paper should clear some myths and hoaxs of Global warming and climate change. In a paper punlished by Nature they provide one possible examination: For the vast majority of Americans, the weather is simply becoming more pleasant. Over the past four decades the temperature in the winterRead MoreThe Effects Of Climate Change On The Planet1764 Words  | 8 Pagesto occur due to the side effects of climate change on the planet (Buhaug, 2016). If drastic measures are not taken in due time, more and more of these side effects will occur and reversing the damage done from such things will be nearly impossible in the future. This is why the human race must be informed about the issues and consequences of climate change so that strives to combat it could be made right now and maybe, with enough effort and dedicatio n, the negative effects of climate change would
Celebrity Role Models free essay sample
Today’s society revolves around the lives of those we call â€Å"famous†or â€Å"celebrities†, we are more focused on the lives of these people then our own. Today’s children see Celebrities as role models, however they are seen as role models for the wrong reasons and set a bad example for children. Although not all Celebrities are bad role models, a frightening amount are. Celebrities such as Miley Cyrus, Justin Bieber and Robin Thicke are prime examples of bad celebrity role models. Cyrus is well known for glorifying drug use and dressing inappropriately, Bieber is famous for using his money inappropriately and having several run-ins with the law and Thicke is known for his song â€Å"Blurred Lines†which hints at rape on several occasions, although they have been involved in controversies they are still seen as good people by today’s youth who seem to ignore the negatives these people portray. We will write a custom essay sample on Celebrity Role Models or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Celebrities seem to be involved in all kinds of controversy, Ranging from Affairs, Drug abuse, Alcoholism, Driving under influence and discriminatory comments. These celebrities pose a danger to today’s youth as they start to think there are little consequences to doing these things which is not true at all. One specific celebrity that is held in high regard to thousands of young boys in England predominately is Paul Gascoigne or â€Å"Gazza†. Paul Gascoigne was an English football player who rose to fame worldwide during the 1990 World Cup held in Italy. Gascoigne’s heroic performances earned him a place in the nation’s heart and made him one of the most famous Football players in the last 100 years. However â€Å"Gazza†quickly found himself in a downwards spiral with his troubled childhood and addiction to Alcohol turning him into a mess. In 1998 he first entered sustained therapy sessions when he was admitted into Priory Hospital after a drinking session where he drank 32 shots of whisky which left him at rock bottom Since 2004 he has battled with addictions to: Cigarettes, Alcohol, Red Bull, Junk Food, Gambling and exercise. In 2008 he was taken into protective custody after he attempted suicide while drunk. On 9th July 2010 Gascoigne appeared at the scene of the tense stand-off between the police and Raoul Moat, claiming to be a friend of Raoul Moat and stating that he had brought him a can of lager, some chicken, fishing rod, a Newcastle shirt and a dressing gown. After all the controversies he has been involved in Gascoigne is still held high in the hearts of England fans and somehow is thought of as inspirational.
Thursday, April 23, 2020
The Future of Food
Food and farming industry has greatly changed over time. For many thousands of years people have used natural ways to grow crops and farm land. The evolution and advancement of technology have influenced the methods of how people grow and consume food. Mass production and industrialization were arranged in such a way that large number of people could be fed. â€Å"The Future of Food†talks about the changes that took place in the last hundred years. Previously, there were very many kinds of fruits and vegetables (Lahidjii 75).Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The Future of Food specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More For example, there were thousands of types of potatoes and apples. The fact that people started to use pesticides has turned the whole world around. The different strands of fruits and vegetables were lost and presently only four or five types are cultivated and grown. The pesticides and insecticides had a very detrimental effect on plants (Denham 39). Their use has increased the mutation and immunity for pests and so, more and more chemicals had to be used. The more these chemicals were used, the higher the demand for them rose and plants were rapidly losing their ability to fight on their own. Chemicals like DDT were thought to be safe but in reality, were one of the most harmful things to happen to agriculture. Animals that would drink the polluted water or eat the seeds would get contaminated and die. This also upset the natural order and pollination, insects have decreased their activity and this in turn affected the crops (Dunlap 47). Another issue that came up is the ownership of plants and species. Mass production of crops has led to an industrial revolution. But a major change came about when corporations started patenting the genes and seed types. This was thought to be impossible before, as the courts said that any living organism or Nature cannot be patented but it d id happen, and this was disastrous to farmers. Many were sued by corporations because there would be plants in farmer’s fields that had same genes as the patents (Williams 23). This happened because the wind blew over some seeds from far away or trucks with seeds would be passing by fields and some would get planted in the fields. This is an outrageous fact because it is close to impossible to control such type of things. Even if farmers were developing and growing their own seeds, as was the case for decades, there would still be some genetic relevance to the patented genes and the famers would get sued. Many chose to pay for a settlement but many have decided to battle and were deprived of their life savings and crops. This fact is completely unacceptable because not only do corporations own the land, they now own the living things, Nature itself. For many people it is a way of life and the greed of corporations has destroyed their lives and support. One of the latest and m ost harmful effects that mass production has had on the food industry is genetic modification.Advertising Looking for essay on agriculture? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More People started having severe allergies to products that they previously consumed and did not have a reaction. This is because foods are genetically cross bread, so that they receive qualities they did not have before. Some plants are made more resistant to the colder climate; some are made to stay fresh longer. The technology has allowed to modify the natural order of things and it was somewhat beneficial but very detrimental in many other areas (Forman 67). The changes that people have made to nature are very traceable and their inability to predict the outcome is evidently harmful. The personal lives have changed and the chemicals that were used to preserve food for people have shown how dangerous it is to people’s health. This topic is extremely im portant in the present days because food is as necessary as oxygen. The natural order was created, so that people benefit from the energy received from fruits and vegetables. The balance has existed for thousands of years but recently people started to experiment. The inability to consider all factors and predict the outcome of these modifications has created a large array of consequences that are almost irreversible. Not only do such changes to nature affect humans but the animals, plants and general ecosystem are all influenced. The natural balance is upset and the chain of events causes more and more damage to the structure of nature (Deane-Drummond 58). Everything is very much connected and people have factored in changes that were not expected. Presently, people are aware of the ecological footprint they have made. A better filtration system and more â€Å"nature friendly†chemicals are being used today (Lockeretz 45). There are many groups that specialize in determining the effects that new technology or chemicals will have on nature. A better understanding of genetics has educated people on how certain species will react. The future of technology and health of humanity lies with next generations. The awareness and acknowledgement of the problem has increased the chances at making a change for the better and every effort must be made to reverse the harmful consequences people have put in place. Works Cited Deane-Drummond, Celia. The Ethics of Nature. Malden, United States: John Wiley Sons, 2008. Print. Denham, Timothy. Rethinking Agriculture: Archaeological And Ethnoarchaeological Perspectives. Walnut Creek, United States: Left Coast Press, 2009. Print.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The Future of Food specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Dunlap, Thomas. DDT, Silent Spring, and the Rise of Environmentalism: Classic Texts. Seattle, United States: University of Washington Press, 2 008. Print. Forman, Lillian. Genetically Modified Foods EBook. Edina, United States: ABDO, 2010. Print. Lahidjii, Reza. The Future of Food: Long-Term Prospects for the Agro-Food Sector. Danvers, United States: OECD Publishing, 1998. Print. Lockeretz, William. Organic Farming: An International History. Cambridge, United States: CABI, 2007. Print. Williams, Elizabeth. The A-Z Encyclopedia of Food Controversies and the Law. Santa Barbara, United States: ABC-CLIO, 2011. Print. This essay on The Future of Food was written and submitted by user Anahi Franklin to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
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