Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Quel as a French Interrogative Adjective Which

Sometimes French grammar is much stricter than English grammar. If you are presented with a choice of two books, a simple question like What book do you want? is technically incorrect  because in proper English, the question would be, Which book do you want? In reality, the former is much more common than the latter. In French, however, one does not have this option. The French equivalent of which, quel, must be used whenever you are choosing between two or more nouns. Like all French adjectives, quel has to agree in gender and number with the noun it modifies. Scroll down to the bottom to see our table with all the forms of quel. The Essential Quel as Interrogative  Adjective The uses of the interrogative  quel are fairly straightforward. Essentially, you need this interrogative adjective whenever you want to ask for specific information about a noun. For example: Pierre ma prà ªtà © un livre. Quel livre  ?   Pierre loaned me a book. Which book?Quelle heure est-il  ?   What time is it?De quel cà ´tà © es-tu  ?   Which / Whose side are you on?Quels sont ses projets ?   What are his plans? Est-Ce Que or Inversion You can ask a question with quel  using  est-ce que or  subject-verb  inversion. For example: Quel livre veux-tu  ? / Quel livre est-ce que tu veux  ?   What book do you want?Quelles pommes aime-t-il  ? / Quelles pommes est-ce quil aime  ?   Which apples does he like? Quel plus a Noun Quel plus a noun may be preceded by a preposition. For example: À quelle heure veux-tu partir  ? / À quelle heure est-ce que tu veux partir  ?   What time do you want to leave?De quels livres parle-t-il  ? / De quels livres est-ce quil parle  ?   What books is he talking about? Quel plus à ªtre Use  quel  plus the conjugated  Ãƒ ªtre  to ask, What is ...? or What are ...? For example: Quel est le problà ¨me  ?   Whats the problem?Quelles sont les diffà ©rences  ?   What are the differences? French Interrogative Adjectives Singular Plural Masculine quel quels Feminine quelle quelles Other Uses of Quel Interrogative Pronoun: De tous vos matches, quel fut le plus difficile  ?  Ã‚  Of all the matches youve played, which (one) was the most difficult  / which was the most difficult one ? Exclamative adjective:   Quel idiot  !   What a fool !Quel sale temps  !   What terrible weather ! Also:   Quel plus a noun can be replaced by the interrogative pronoun lequel  (which, which one). Quel is used in nimporte quel (whichever, whatever, any) and other expressions with nimporte.

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